
hola mi amigos!

hola mi amigos y familia! thank you for joining me on my 18 month journey to the merida mexico mission! i am so excited to be serving as a full time LDS missionary and representing my savior jesus christ everyday. i hope through my experiences it may help you draw closer to Christ & gain a love for this wonderful work we are all involved in. God speed and i will see you all again before we know it. until then, my wonderful mother will be updating my blog of all my adventures.

con mucho amor,
hermana maisie ellen hobbs

the field is white already to harvest; d&c 4:4

the field is white already to harvest; d&c 4:4

Monday, August 17, 2015

August 17


We recieved our changes and..... im staying in Motul another transfer!! yay :) I was a little bit sad because I was really convinced I was going to stay with Hermana Falcon.. but they changed us.. :( I already miss her so much.. I dont like transfers for that reason! I hate leaving my companions, but I also love having new sisters. Having more best friends and Hermanas. My new comp is Hermana Valdez. She is a POWERFUL missionary. Shes from the Dominican Republic and is from the same generation as my daugher Hermana Duron. Its her first transfer as Sister Training Leaders, so ill be showing her the ropes (even though I dont know what they are. jajaja) Im excited! I can already tell im going to learn un buen de ella. 

Do you have an email for Jeannie that I could write? Id like to write her :) Our mission is passing through the same process.. The big "boom" of missionaries are all starting to go home. They have closed lots of areas and few new missionaries are coming in. In our zone were only 14. When I was in lakin it was almost 30. its super crazy to see the changes! We are over 3 sets of companionships - there are hermana capacitadores in every zone now so that we can be more personal with the hermanas and help them. its about ministering to the ONE, like our perfect example taught us. 

This week it was pretty crazy! Hermana Falcon and I were only together for a couple of days because we were doing divisions. We visited the hermanas de Baca and Pinos 2! I love doing divisions with the sisters! I always feel like I learn so much more from them then what they do from me.. This week it also reminded me of how important it is to never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved.. 

Fabiola and Pablo were not baptized this week... last sunday they didnt come to church because they went to visit his mom in his little pueblo. while they were there they went to her church. theyre penticotest ( i dont know how to spell that) and the pastora from there really confused them.. about the bible, baptism, everything. It was really sad.. But we arent dicouraged. They are truly prepared from the Lord, and satan is always working the hardest because he knows of the covenatnts that they are about to make.  The same way that it passed with Joesph Smith. Ive based my studies in some of the doubts that they had and my testimony of the restoration and grown imensly. Nothing that we have in the gospel makes sense without the restoration. Ive also realized the importance of having a true testimony so that really nothing or NO ONE can shake us. because satan is attacking real hard. WE NEED TO BE PREPARED TO DEFEND OUR SAVIOR: I also am so grateful for the book of mormon. it truly is the greatest missionary we have! 

Also ryan and his family are doing so well. We had a lesson with them last night and they made us dinner after for changes.. His mom was sharing her testimony to us and said before how she never wanted to go to church and didnt really take importance to it, because its always been hard for her to understand the doctrine. but when we were teaching ryan, she really felt the desire to do the things for her self as well. and thats where her conversion has started... I love this little family. Hno. Rafael was also playing the guitar and singing the song Cuando me Bautice - about the  i like to look for rain ( i dont remember what its called in english.. how sad. ) 

But another great transfer awaits us here in motul.. I love being in the service of my father in heaven. I truly love him and I love being his servant. This has been the hardest thing I have ever done in my life.. but what gives me strength is the perfect example of my Savior. He supported it all, and so can I. Because he was obediente to the will of the father and was prepared to be the Savior of the World..  I love you all so much. 

Heston good luck in football! good luck starting school and for Sam and Jake in their tests. Saren and Alex are just the cutest parents ever. give grandma and grandpa a big squeeze from me!! and parents.. I couldnt have had better. LOVE YOU ALL. 

hermana hobbs

p.s. there is a RAT, not a little mouse, in our house that is eating all our food and pooping all over the house. any suggestions how we can get rid of it?? 

The youth of Motul

Delicious fruit

He helped in translating the BOM to Mayan

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

August 10

Alma 37: 38-47

Oh my family so many wonderful things are happening here in Motul and it sounds like for you all as well. so happy :) 

This week was one of traveling... jajaja it was good! tuesday hermana falcon and I had our first conference of liderazgo como hermana capacitadoras. it was really really good. we havent been fulfilling our goal of baptizing every week so as zones we did a little consejo to make plans and goals for what we will be doing. in our zone with the LZ and LD we started making lots of goals and plans but no one felt good about them... then we realized its p u r i f i c a t i o n. that we need. i thank my brother jake for sending me lots of material from his mission. as a zone we are doing the "purification challenge" so we can have the POWER and AUTHORITY of our callings. it was a really powerful meeting.. lots of my friends go home this transfer so it was fun to hear the final testimonies.. and also sad.. 

Wedenesday we had our conferencia de zona. hermana falcon and I spoke about the talk of hna garcia and then we made the list of the SMALL AND SIMPLE things. what we are doing and what we are not doing.. and made goals to esforzarnos for EXACT OBEDIENCE. its not easy, but every day we are working and it starts to become part of our character. one of our ZL is dying this transfer so we made him an "adjusting to the life of an RM" manuel from our zone. jajaja it was filled with advice and stuff like that. it was fun :) 

Thursday we went to immigration.... so i could remain in mexico! it was fun! all the missionaries from my generation were there with. it was so crazy seeing them and how much we have all changed. i cant believe im been in MEXICO FOR ONE YEAR!!! so many things have happened in this one year.. i love my mexico.. the lord truly knows what we need and who we need.

ryan was baptized this week!!! it was such a beautiful event! friday was his interview with the elders. he was so nervous. jajaja we made him a commitment to memorize the articles of faith and so he was reapeting them before his interview and sweating.. jaja his mom was so pleased. :) then after his cousin brandon who we are teaching came! it was his first time coming to the church building and we asked him if he wanted to walk inside and said YES. I want to see the baptism font! he is such a little trooper. We are working a lot with his family. they came to the baptism of Ryan as well. so we were super happy :) Ryan has been such an example to his family - i love seeing the change in them! Love seeing that by doing the small and simple things, the lord has blessed them immensly. 

I love you all so much. :) 
have a good week!! 
hermana hobbs

Ryan's baptism

August 3

buenas tardes mi amada familia. 

since my camera broke i will be sending inspiring pics to you all. this one is one of my favorite scriptures.. for many reasons. :) 1 - because my comp hermana falcon always asks me doctrinaly based questions where i rarely know the answer.. hahaha so my answer is always the same. 1 nephi 11:17. 2 - because I TRULY know that the Lord loves his children.. i think thats my favorite part about being a represant of jesus christ 24/7 because he puts the people who need his love in our ways. being able to see & feel the lords love for ALL his children is  truly what makes our lives significant.. this week was probably one of those life changing weeks.. :) 

monday we had a little incident with the hermanas de Baca, so they stayed the night in our house. we were without hamacas and then we had our reunion in merida at 730 haha which meant we had to wake up at 430 to start showering. so we were a little deprived of sleep, but hey the sacrificies bring forth the blessings! 

soo... we had 5 investigadores in church!!! we were THRILLED. these past couple of weeks the work has just been BOOMING and the lord is truly blessing us with the people who need His love. Ryan will be baptized this saturday! and his sister came to church yesterday! i have loved seeing them regain their spark for the gospel.. its like everything makes sense to them again.. 

Jose Rafael! he is the referencia de los elderes. He will be baptized the 15. He is a PF as well. This man...his faith is so strong! its a family of 5, they live with their mom. they moved here from cancun about 1 month ago. the rest of his family are members but he has not been able to baptize for addiciton of alchol but he has been without it for about 3 weeks now! we are so excited for him. he has gone through lots of missionaries trying to dejar a tomar, so sometimes he teaches us the lessons.jajaja he has such a love for the gospel and always says "im doing this for my kids so that they can have a life full of happiness.. so that they dont have to make the same mistakes ive made.." SO AWESOME.

Fabiola and Pablo!! our cute little couple. they came to church this week. they are so shy, but the ward just loves on them. jjaja and their cute little daughter. they are so excited for their baptism. Pablo always gives us a full summary of what the reads in the LDM before we can start the lessons. we are so excited for them! they should be getting baptized the 15 as well! 

Brandon and his mom Yara.. he is the other 9 year old we have been teaching. he is cousins with ryan. We have usuall taught them together, but decided that its more efficient to teach them separate so we can focus more on their families specifically to reactive them.. They have been facing lots of challenges.. their father left them about a year ago. he is a drunk and the last week entro in teir house at the 1 in the morning and beat hermana Yara...we were heartbroken.. he refuses to pay child support and the laws are super slow here so the mom has finally found work but now cant attend church. when we went this week they just bawled to us.. the 2 teengage girls. his mom said that now is not a good time for brandon to be baptized and brandon crying said no. this is the time because i know god will help us, and i want to be a missionary. how the spirit felt the room from this little boy.. (as such is the kingdom of heaven)  they all agreed to help little brandon with this goal.. later on in the week we read with them in LDM in 1 nefi 18. THE BOOK OF MORMON APPLIES TO EVERY NEED, AND CAN ANSWER EVERY QUESTION WE HAVE. 

on friday we had a confernce with the zone and AP. hermana falcon and I had to give a little talk about pride.. jajaja we talked about el PUEBLO CAIDO del libro de mormon and did a little demostration about laman and lemuel / nefi. it was fun. 

after we arrived to our area we were looking references and found MARTA. of course we didnt find the refernce like always but we found marta!! she moved here 3 weeks ago after splitting up with her husband and we had a lesson super powerful with her. she told us how she feels like she doesnt know who god is and how she wants to save her marriage.. she accepted to be baptized with lots of animo. she was crying and told us thank you for finding me.. i love these moments. I TRULY KNOW THE LORD LOVES HIS CHILDREN. that we are his hands!! that the pure love of christ conqueres all - pride, weaknesses. everything. we cannot truly love our heavenly father if we do not love one another.

i am so grateful to be here in the mission, sometimes the lord sends us to far places, or across the street just to find the ones who need HIS love. we all have the power to feel this world with the love of christ! let us answer to that call. love you all so much! baby rock is the cutest in the world.
Hermana Hobbs

July 27

"Come come ye saints, nor toil nor labor fear, all is well all is well"
Happy pioneer week!! I love thinking of the pioneers, their sweet stories, positive attitudes, and sacrifices that they made for each one of us to enjoy the full gospel of jesus christ. there have been many times on my mission where I have felt like a little pioneer. I havebeen tired, felt like i couldnt walk one more step, teach one more lesson,or face one more rejection, but then i remembered them, the sacrifices they made, the positive attitudes they had and in WHERE and WHOM they had their vision placed - in ZION, & IN THE GOD OF ISRAEL. they give me strength to move on. my PURPOSE as a missionary and my father in heaven and my savior jesus christ. they are working miracles belong side us every day. :) so remember that we can learn from them and their chippery attitudes!! let us all press on in the work of the lord! 

what a good week! monday we had a family night with fabiola and pablo!! they are progressing real well.. (just didnt come to church this week...) but I have love watching them learn and grow! they are finding more friends in church and always have questions for us which is GOOD because they really have interest. and the members are great to love on them and comfort them. they are my motivation!! 

wednesday we went, my comp and I to BACA to work with the hermanas ahi. hermana manzano and hermana frost. they have been having a little bit of hard times in ther chan pueblo. we worked both sides of their areas and found lots of new inv. to teach. it reminded me a lot of motul when hermana falcon and i first came. theyve been a little bit discouraged like how we were in the first, feeling like the scum because their work isnt showing in their numbers, but if its something ive realized is that the fruits come, not always when we want to see them but they come! i went with hermana frost, she has one transfer more than me and was in my zone for awhile in lakin. it was fun catching up with her as well :) shes a great missionary!

ryan is progressing super well as well! his family is reactiving! his mom and dad are supporting him and rafael is now attending church regularly and going to ward counsel despite his offendidos. we are planning a choir with the primary for the8th for his baptism! 

we found a cute little family this week - Ruben y Maria Veronica. 26 and 22. they are so cute! they have been married for 6 years.. YES MARRIED! we were excited about that. and have been trying to have kids since then.. they had their first baby boy about a month ago and are so excited to be parents. the first thing hemano ruben asked us is if his baby needed to be baptized.. i have always knnown the doctrine on this subject, but i really received my testimony bearing testimony while looking at their sweet baby boy how he is perfect and pure. it made me think of baby hobbs. just from the pics I can see how perfect he is. Children are truly the kingdom of God.. 

which brings me to a point of 2 little kids. Gemima and Abraham. we went to contact a ref. but she wasnt home and out came like 10 little kids. Gemima is 11 and abraham 7. she was left home with all her little brothers and sisters.. her mom has left with another man and their dad works all day to take care of them. their aunts and uncles live next door but are working as well.. it broke my heart to see them. when Christ blessed the children in America one by one and then cried.. i think this is one of the reasons why he cried. becasue he knew that many of his little children would suffer from descions made by parents or others.. and it broke his heart because they truly are pure.. we invited them to the class of english and they came! we walked them home because it was late and still no one was home.. they really enjoyed the class and we have an appt with their tia tuesday! we are going to help them. 

I cant tell you how much i love being a missionary. love seeing how the Lord puts his children in our paths so that we can help them feel the love of christ. there is nothing better than doing HIS work. and feeling the love for these people. I love Motul. i feel like i have grown so much here, and every day gets better. i still have so many things to overcome and to better, but my savior gives me hope for change.

welcome home to elder bishop! how fun to have another cousin home. hope all is well for him. send him my love. LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH. families are forever!! 

p.s. always remember that the term salvation is personal is prideful and selfish. we are in this together, we came her as a family and we are returing as a family, so look for those in need! love you. 

hermana hobbs

July 20

lots of miracles and growth this week! we did intercambios with our girls of pinos 1! i went and stayed with hermana spencer, we had interviews with pres, and we had INVESTIGADORES IN CHURCH!!! 


fabiola y pablo, ryan, and maria valentina came to church!! We were SOOOOOO excited!!!! we have been praying and fasting for this for 3 months and we saw the fruits yesterday!! after having 2 months without seeing the fruits... everything came this week! i learned a lot about what hope really is. first. fabiola and pablo! they have been "progressing" for quite sometime now. they are a young couple with their cute little 4 year old daughter samalee. we origianly were teaching their sister, but found them through E4. wednesday we were teaching the gospel of jesus christ. (they have accepted baptism, but still have been iffy about a date) and we brought it up. we have been praying and praying for them and really feel like they are ready! just need to come to church. THEY told us that they are ready for baptism, and are ready to come to church!! they LOVED it! we showed them the baptismal font and everything. the spirit was super strong. this is what the mission is! ryan is the hijo de hno. rafael who is pres. high preists but has become menos activo after the change in the obispad. his wife hasnt been to church regularly for 10 years. they both came with little ryan. it was such a blessing because of ryan, they are starting to remember and feel the spirit again. maria valentina has all the problems you could imagine.. she is so strong. she is a faithful pentacotesta (dont know how to spell that) she wants to be baptized but is not married.. her pareja has another family.. its really a sad story.. we are working with her but feeling the love of christ is helping heal her and all her spiritual wounds.. 

our first divisions! they were super fun. we did them after our reunion martes.. hermana spencer has almost 6 months in the mission. she is from centerville and knows some of my buds from there! morob, emily robb. it made me feel young again in the mission! jaja. she is such a great sister.. her father passed away 9 months ago and has been facing some difficult challenges. made me realize that as missionaries we are not here just to comfort our inv. or members of ma, but here to help all feel the love of our savior. i am learning so much from my little hermanas. more than i could teach them.

I love interviews with pres. garcia!! this one was a little different.. jaja. we were last to go because we were talking with the AP's about our zone, and area so i only got like 10 minutes to talk with Pres. and he started asking me about my plans for the future. it scared me. 

we had a meeting with our lider misional and the high preist over missionary work yesterday that was super spiritual. we talked about "spiritual pride" and the light of christ. he told us that sometimes we are living the life of the telestial kindgom - we study our scripts, pray, pay tithing, etc. and these things are good but they arent SUFFICIENT. they will lead us right to the reino telestial. then there is the terrestre. where we do all these things but include our family, we do our family home evening, we go to the temple, even do work for our own ancestors, but this will lead us right to the terrestre. then thee is the celestial. where we do all of the above and are VALIENT in the testimonio de jesucristo where we dont just defend his name but DECLARE his name. we serve ALL the children of god. not just ourselves, or our families, but we make SACRIFIES for others. we do the OBRA misional. i loved that... "ay que hacerlo. no es malo, pero no es suficiente." i am trying to become that. a missionary celestial. through faith, charity and love... becoming like our Savior. being perfect even as our father in heaven is perfect. that is our GOAL. being our own agents. 

i love you all so much. i am so grateful for the support and love that i have recieved. 
love you!
love our baby hobbs. mucho amor

hermana hobbs

July 13

he is just cutest, im just loving on him already :) give him tons of kisses from his favorite aunt :) 
(Our first grand baby proud parents Saren and Alex, born July 10th)

This week has been really great! its a little discouraging at times because we havent had inv. come to church so we havent really had any progressing. but we have been working hard and getting the members involved with helping us. everyone has a part to play in this beautiful work!

We had some cool experiences with finding some new investigadores this week - the two from members! one was the uncle of a converse that has had some pretty tough experiences with his family.. they are very ununited, his wife drinks and his sons are really rebellious. he said that he has spent so much time working to provide for his family that he wasnt really taking care of his family.. he told us one morning he woke up and realized that from hours away from his family trying to take care of them just made it a whole lot worse.. it made me see clearly a lot of things.. let us all remember that time is what we need with our family. is what matters most, raising our children. Gabriel is really interested in the gospel. 

The 2nd, maria jose. she came to the baptism of carolina on saturday. (a little niña in the ward) and felt the spirit so strongly! she is a friend of a member. she has been really sick for the past 2 months since she lost her baby. she has not been able to have kids and has felt really far from god.. we taught her after the baptism - we talked about the atonement and she was just crying to us telling us that those were words she needed to hear.. as i was thinking about it, it made me realize that is was not the words that me or my comp. or hermana jackie said. but it was the spirit that was  there, it the was the holy ghost offering his comfort to us that we felt, and that is what she needed. it was really specail. we are just praying her husband lets her visit them. please pray for her. 

Funny story. after the baptism and lesson, the family of the ex Bishop invited us to her little fiesta de carolina so we could eat. it was like 8:30 so we just swung by to eat and then left to our house. as we were waiting for the food.. i had the most terryifying moment of my life. her party was a clown show... yep. i wasnt paying attention to anything that they were saying the clowns but before i knew it one of them was over my shoulder saying that they were going to kiss me if i didnt give the an applaud. i was freaking out jajajaj all the members and my companion were dying of laughter. I wasnt paying attention but they had said if the crowd didnt applaud they were going to come and give them a big BESO. so i clapped real fast after that. jajaj. scary story. good thing i was so tired to not have nightmares.

Well I love you all so much! im happy little hobbs has come to the world!! so grateful for the power of the preisthood and for my faithful brothers, fathers that could help my sweet sis. love you all. let us all be worthy for the moments when the lord calls us.

hermana hobbs