
hola mi amigos!

hola mi amigos y familia! thank you for joining me on my 18 month journey to the merida mexico mission! i am so excited to be serving as a full time LDS missionary and representing my savior jesus christ everyday. i hope through my experiences it may help you draw closer to Christ & gain a love for this wonderful work we are all involved in. God speed and i will see you all again before we know it. until then, my wonderful mother will be updating my blog of all my adventures.

con mucho amor,
hermana maisie ellen hobbs

the field is white already to harvest; d&c 4:4

the field is white already to harvest; d&c 4:4

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

December 14

Well family, I don´t have much to say other than I`ll be home for christmas. My heart is truly full of gratitude to my Father in Heaven for these past 18 months. I am overwhelmed with emotion & love for Merida and her people, and of course my Savior Jesus Christ. I truly feel like everything has passed bien rapido.. like water slipping between my fingers. The other day when I was reading in the LDM, jacob was speaking to me from the dust when he nearing the end of his life, but the beginning of a new one:

"The time passed away with us and also our lives passed away as if it were unto us a dream, we being wanderes.. cast out of Jersusulm and born in tribulation." jacob 7:26 

This time has passed away as if it were a dream. But this dream has opened my eyes to what life is, to what the gospel is. I dont know how I would have been able to go through life without coming to Merida and serving the lord with all my heart might mind and strength. I know the Lord loves his children, I have been a special witness to that love through the service I have rendered.  I am so grateful for the atonment and patience the Lord has had for me and my imperfecions. I am so grateful for the opportunity the Savior gave me to repent and be perfectioned.I know that the atonement not only cleans us, but strengthens us. I have been a witness to HIS POWER. I have seen as he has carried me through the the desert, across the waters, passing for my own tribulations. I thank my father every day for the people he has blessed me to serve. Every person I have met has left an impression on my heart.. 

I have learned to TRUST in the Lord. I am sad to leave, but know I need to trust my Heavenly Father.Because I KNOW that he does not leave us alone in our tribulations. He will lead us safely across the waters as long as we live the commandments and be the good girls and boys we should be.  

 Come what may, I will love it. 

con mucho amor,

Hermana Hobbs

p.s. please come to the airport with a big coat and boots.

1 comment:

  1. Ở những lứa tuổi như dậy thì, sau sinh và tiền mãn kinh. Hormone thường có một số thay đổi rất lớn, cho nên sẽ thường xuyên diễn ra một vài khác thường như kinh nguyệt không đều, rong kinh, kinh nguyệt ra ít và có màu đen ...Với các tình huống này nếu chỉ xảy ra vào một thời điểm nào đó và nó không liên tục thì nữ giới không còn băn khoăng quá nhiều. Nhưng nếu nó gây tác động tới sinh hoạt cuộc sống và kéo dài liên tục thì eva nên thực hiện thăm khám phụ khoa ngay. Để một số chuyên gia sẽ có liệu pháp phục hồi sao cho hợp lý. Với một số trường hợp mất cân bằng sinh lý cũng có thể kinh nguyệt không đều hoặc là biểu hiện bệnh lý, hãy lưu ý trong những trường hợp này.
